jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Week 11


  This was an inter esting and really good week because I cluld observe my classnmates' demo classes, This was really useful because with it, I could notice some important aspects like strenghts and weaknesses when we teach a class. I learned it by putting attention to the presentations to identify the common mistales and the good aspects of how tp manage a class basing on my classmates presenytations, I noticed that keeping going a class is not easy because we need to be self-confident to have a good classenvironment with motivated students. This is so important for me as a future educator because I learned some important points as make funny a class but also useful to students learn and understand a topic without getting bored or showing uninterest.I think that all the important aspects I noticed from my classmates will be useful for me to use with my students to they feel comfortable and anxious to learn more and more everyday. I learned that motivation is the essential part or being an educator because we as teachers should be a little flexible with our studentsm, then they will trust us and if there is a problem I know that I will do something to help my students. This will give as a result a learning process during my class.

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